
Do you have any discounts or promo codes?

We offer 50% off all plans (apart from Beast) for charities, non-profits and NGOs, all you have to do is email us with proof of your status as one of these, this can be a link to your website (that you are also emailing from the same domain as) or a link to your organization's listing on your country's respective charity register or similar.

We also offer a 50% off student discount on Hobby plans, just email us at from a student email and we’ll share a code with you.

How do I get my $10 discount for completing my checklist?

Once you have completed all of your checklist activities:

Then a code will automatically be applied to your account when you sign up to a paid account. If it is not applied but you have completed the actions, let us know and we will ensure you get your discount.

Last updated