πŸ”³Add to Squarespace

We will guide you through the process of adding AskAI to your Squarespace website so you can enhance your website's user experience by providing answers to frequently asked questions.

Navigate to your Squarespace site editor and locate the area where you want to add AskAI, ideally near a relevant section or FAQs.

Click the "+" button to add a new element and select "Code" from the available options.

In the Code Block settings, enable HTML and leave the script option unchecked.

Assuming you have already created an AskAI, (if not head over to www.myaskai.com and create one for free now) click on "Embed/Integrate" then β€œAdd AskAI to your website” and choose whether you want to embed within the page (Add to display within a page) or as a β€˜chat’ widget (Add as a floating button, that can open/close). Click "Copy" to copy the embed code you want to use.

Return to your Squarespace site's code block and delete any placeholder text (e.g., "Hello world"). Paste the copied AskAI code into the code block. Click "Preview" and "Save" to see how it will appear on your site.

Once you are satisfied with the appearance and functionality of your AskAI widget, save your changes in the Squarespace site editor and publish your site.

Now, when users visit your site, they can interact with the AskAI widget to get answers to their questions.

Last updated