♦️Add to Carrd

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to add your own AskAI FAQ bot to your Carrd site without writing a single line of code. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to engage your vi

To begin, open your Carrd website and decide where you want to add your AskAI. In this example, we're adding the AskAI underneath a specific text section. Scroll down to the desired location and get ready to add the bot.

Click on the plus icon to add a new element to your Carrd site. From the available options, select "Embed" to add custom code. This will open a code section where you can paste the code for the AskAI bot.

Assuming you have already created an AskAI, (if not head over to www.myaskai.com and create one for free now) click on "Embed/Integrate" then β€œAdd AskAI to your website” and choose whether you want to embed within the page (Add to display within a page) or as a β€˜chat’ widget (Add as a floating button, that can open/close). Click "Copy" to copy the embed code you want to use.

Return to your Carrd site and paste the copied embed code into the code section you created earlier. Save your changes and publish your site to see the AskAI bot in action.

If you want to customize the appearance of the AskAI bot, go to the "Customize" section in your AskAI account. Here, you can enable custom styling, change fonts, adjust background colors, and modify text colors to match your website's design. Save your customizations and refresh your Carrd site to see the changes.

Last updated