
An on-demand, 24/7 teaching assistant who knows everything about your course, answers 80%+ of questions and that students actually used? No more drop-ins or forums? You should try My AskAI

Try out our Teaching demo AskAI 👇

Upload only the content you trust

Take all of your lecture notes, transcripts, papers and digital textbooks, or any document you have in PDF, Word format, any website that is useful or just connect your Google Drive and upload them to train your own AskAI in minutes, without any technical know-how.

Answers you can trust, no made-up facts

Once you have finished adding all the documentation you need to make your AI teaching assistant, you can start asking questions right away, you’ll see that every answer is referenced back to source and that it can only answer based on the content you upload, your source of truth, no AI hallucinations or made up facts.

Share it with your students (or the rest of the faculty)

Once you have made your AskAI you can share it with anyone with a link with just 1 click (you can also password-protect it if you want).

No need to get a new piece of software approved with IT, it’s all online.

Add it to your LMS

You can embed your AskAI as a widget within your LMS by just getting IT to copy and paste 2 lines of code so your students can access it more easily.

Check how your students are getting on and where they need more help

Use our analytics features to see what is being asked and by whom so you can design lessons around the questions your students need the most help with.

We’ll also share insights into key themes and topics they are asking about with you.

Improve student engagement with AI chat

We’ve seen increases of up to 233x in questions asked per week compared to other methods when using AskAI in colleges - students like to chat.

Instant summaries of papers, web pages, and documents

You can use our Summarize mode to take long documents and summarize them into short, one-page summaries that you can copy and share.

Perfect if you're pressed for time or need to quickly get up to speed with something, or as a starting point for your research. helping you know where to look.

See how to create a summary here.

How could AskAI better help you with your teaching? Add your ideas and requests here!

Last updated